It was a rainy day in December and my husband and I were off work on a holiday with our 1.5 year old son. We were looking for something to do outside of the city and decided to take a day trip to Indiana to visit the History of Pharmacy Research Center and the Taxidermy place across the street (for the kid’s enjoyment!). The drive took less than one hour and we spent a few hours in the museum. It is fascinating to see the differences in the marketing language on advertisements and the boxes of medicines.
I have a strong interest in herbs and homeopathic remedies and find it interesting to see how the world of medicine started from the same place and has evolved to what we know it today. I see the same herbs, tinctures and essential oils in my own modern medicine cabinet as are found in this museum of antique medicinals and apothecaries.
I have always admired the show globes and beautiful wooden display cabinets. I also saw shelves full of mortar and pestles that are clean stone white – just waiting to be painted. I have visions for specific pieces finding a home in my home decor. Show Globes. Latin Named Cabinet Hardware. French Ceramic Apothecary Jars. Mortar and Pestles.
I also came home with a 70 year old Vicks Vapor Rub that I actually plan on using. The ingredients back then were all natural! Today they are not.